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4 Important Things You Need to Know About CBD Treatment for Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder, has stumped the medical community for many years. This illness frustrates many patients who are in pain since it is complicated to detect, thus its nickname, the “invisible sickness.” Symptoms include musculoskeletal pain, insomnia, fatigue, and some cognitive issues. Even the exact cause of this disease is still a mystery. It stems from a wide array of psychological and physical reasons.

There is no known cure for this condition, but there are several pain management treatments that can provide relief. Using CBD for fibromyalgia is starting to become a popular alternative for chemical treatments.

If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and would want to look deeper into CBD to manage your symptoms, here are the essential things that you need to know.

What is CBD?

The Cannabis Sativa or hemp plant contains 120 naturally occurring compounds called cannabinoids. CBD or cannabidiol is one of these compounds that are extracted from the leaf or flower of the cannabis. It contains only a negligible amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), so it will never have psychotropic effects such as euphoria or “high” feeling.

How Does CBD Work?

There are endocannabinoid systems (ECS) in the human body that contain molecular signaling systems. They promote wellness by regulating biological processes. The ECS is responsible for regulating a variety of psychological and cognitive functions such as memory, mood, inflammation, and appetite.

CBD interacts with the receptors in the ECS to provide relief for fibromyalgia patients. It also targets multiple pain points by acting on the receptors located in the central and peripheral nervous systems. These systems are pathways where pain travels. For fibromyalgia patients, this pathway is distorted.

When you use CBD for fibromyalgia, it regulates the pain perception pathways by affecting the release of serotonin – a hormone known to influence pain through nociceptive spinal information processing.

Also, CBD aids in the activation of CB2 receptors on skills cells called keratinocytes. It is a process that stimulates the release of endorphins which inhibit the message of pain.

Is CBD Effective for Fibromyalgia?

CBD can directly or indirectly manage chronic fibromyalgia pain by its interaction with the pain receptors in the body. It can affect the levels of the substances that influence the perception of pain- such as serotonin, anandamide, and opioids.

Patients with fibromyalgia reported a much more heightened level of pain because chemical signals sent to and from the brain are all mixed up. The CBD contains unique molecules that help mitigate these confusing wires.

Also, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling around joints and muscles. These properties, in turn, alleviate pain and discomfort.

What are CBD Forms Available to Treat Fibromyalgia?

CBD comes in many forms- the most popular one being topicals. These include balms, creams, and salves. These topicals contain other skincare ingredients such as grapeseed oil, chia seed extract, and shea butter. They are applied on the affected area for more localized treatment.

Other forms include vaping, capsules, tinctures, and edibles. You can choose which ones will be more comfortable and accessible for you.

No one has to suffer from Fibromyalgia anymore. There are natural, innovative products such as CBD that can alleviate symptoms without harmful side effects. With this essential information, you may be able to begin your CBD journey towards a pain-free life.

Tags : fibromyalgia
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